We welcome the participation of local business in assisting our promotion of classical concerts across the season. We will gladly mention your support in our programmes and general publicity and would be delighted to invite you and your guests to the concert you sponsor.
We are also very grateful to our individual members who, either singly or collectively, support a concert, publicity, the hire of the piano or the purchase of equipment when needed.
We are thankful as well for the grants and assistance that we and our musicians receive from charitable bodies such as the RC Sherriff, Countess of Munster and Tillett trusts.
This extra support enables us to continue to present superb concerts by renowned musicians.
Become a sponsor
The level of sponsorship depends on the artists engaged. Each season we have a wide range of performers from which to choose, such as outstanding young graduates, winners of prestigious competitions and world-famous musicians.
Please contact the Chairman to discuss availability and sponsorship options.
Remember us in your will
Legacies and bequests, however small, can provide important support for the Society and help to safeguard its future. Please consider remembering us in your will.